Order Cancellation Policy
To cancel an order, you have placed with Nptestudybuddy, you must contact by email nptestudybuddy@gmail.com. Every effort will be made to accommodate the cancellation of your order as long as the new batch has not yet started. Once the batch starts no cancellation shall be made to the order.
When contacting us for cancellation of your order, please be ready to provide your name and your contact information.
Please note that if a new batch has already started, the order cannot be cancelled.
Refund Policy
To refund your order you have placed with Nptestudybuddy, you must contact by email nptestudybuddy@gmail.com. A refund shall be made to your order only if the new batch has not started.
Contact us
For any inquires with your order you may contact us via email nptestudybuddy@gmail.com.
Our refund and cancellation policy is subject to change. We recommend you review our refund and cancellation policy from time to time.